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E30 Steering Wheel options

July 5, 2010

Here ill try to outline most of the steering wheel options that were available stock to the E30.

4 spoke “standard” steering wheel

This is the as basic and standard as it gets, no air bag, no sport properties just your normal plain stock steering wheel. This is what you got if you didn’t opt in for any packages/options.

Value = practically worthless


3 spoke “sport” steering wheel

This is what you got if your car came with the sport package, thus its name the e30 sport steering wheel. Advantages of a 3 spoke wheel over a 4 spoke is that you have more open space to grasp the wheel in different positions during “sport” or spirited driving.

Value = wouldn’t pay over $50


M-tech 1 steering wheel

This steering wheel was offered standard in the E30 m3 and its evolutions. There were to sizes available 370mm and 385mm. The 370mm is demands a higher price only because there is less supply of it, I wouldn’t say it is any better. This wheel is my personal “affordable” option favorite as it has a nice classic look with an accent of Motorsport colors, and slight groves around the 3 and 9 oclock positions for your fingers/hands to almost taunting you to engage in “spirited” driving.

Value = 385mm $70-100, 370mm $150-250


Mtech 2 steering wheel

This is the new fangled version of the mtech 1, a facelift version if you will. It looks more modern and has more aggressive grooves for your hands to stay in place at 3 and 9 o’clock hand positions. Most people love it; personally however i think it looks a bit to new school for the e30.

Value = ~$250


Blackline steering wheel

Never seen one in person but apparently it was only offered to right hand drive e30’s. Also because of its rarity it is quite sought after. Personally I dont like it much i think it has a ricer twist to it.

Value = $300-450


Woodline Steering wheel

Basically the woodline with a wood outside, I personally love wood steering wheels and thus I love this specific wheel because it looks classy (because of the wood).

Value = wild guess $500+


Mtech 2 e30 m3 evo steering wheel (Mtech 2 alcantara)

Basically a fancy alcantara version of the mtech 2 steering wheel. People seem to love it, I however dont think the alcantara has a “crisp” enough look to my standards.

Value = $400


E30 airbag (vert and touring 92+)

Has to be the ugliest steering wheel ever offered, and practically speaking airbags back then were as effective as grenades going off in your face. Unless you collect wheels id stay away from 80’s/ early 90’s steering wheels as they do more bad then good.

Value = worthless to me, who knows how much to collectors.


“Regular” E30 airbag steering wheel

More appealing then the vert/touring model but still would rather have no airbag.

Value = worthless


Alpina 3 spoke Steering wheel

Alpina’s twist on the mtech 1 steering wheel basically.

Value = Debatable


E30 Z1 Steering wheel

Was offered standard in the E30 z1, all there is too it really.

Value =$500

Alpina 4 spoke

Alpina and hartge both seemed to favor 4 spoke steering wheels for their cars, who knows why. This is a standard Alpina wheel.

Value = $500

Alpina Steering wheel 380mm for BMW 3er E30

Hartge 4 spoke

Very close design to the alpina 4 spoke just with a hartge badge; maybe the same company made the steering wheel for both companies.

Value = $500

P1010011b.jpg Hartge steering wheel image by speed007

Ac Schnitzer 3 spoke leather

Very Beefy looking 3 spoke offered by ac Schnitzer.

Value = $600 for rarity

Ac Schnitzer 4 spoke wood steering wheel

Left the best for last, because this is a special one. Basically this steering wheel is the same steering wheel that was offered in Alpina’s and Hartge’s however this one offered by AC Schnitzer is wood. Very rare, very nice, and worth every penny.

Value = $1000 (could be significantly more for a very nice example)

Notable mention that isnt OEM or stock but is still very nice

Nardi wood steering wheel

I am a sucker for wooden steering wheels and this one is very nice in my opinion, can be found on ebay fairly easily. Remember though this isnt factory or OEM

Value = $100-150

One Response to E30 Steering Wheel options

  1. cja333 on May 16, 2013 at 12:42 am

    Do you have any helpful insights on how to change those ugly airbag steering wheels to anything else? Aftermarket?

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