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Mirror of E30 Bulb cross reference list from Bimmerforums

July 2, 2021

Location                           Qty Specs   Generic Sylvania BMW         Comments
Headlights - Sealed Beam, Low       2  35/35W  H5006   H5006    63121468226
Headlights - Sealed Beam, High      2  50W     H5001   H5001    63121468272
Headlights - US Ellipsoids, Lo      2  51W     HB4     9006     63217160786
Headlights - US Ellipsoids, High    2  60W     HB3     9005     63217160785
Headlights - Euro Ellipsoids, Low   2  55W     H1      64150    63217160777
Headlights - Euro Ellipsoids, High  2  55W     H1      64150    63217160777
Headlights - Euro Ellipsoids, City  2  5W      W5W     2825     63217160797
Fog                                 2  55W     H3      64151    63217160779

Front Marker/Turn                   2  21/5W   P21-5W  7528     63217160793
Side Markers (Early)                4  4W      T4W     3893     07509063576
Side Markers (Late)                 4  5W      W5W     2825     63217160797
Tail (Early)                        2  10W     R10W    5008     07119905337
Tail (Late)                         2  5W      R5W     5007     07119905336
Rear Turn                           2  21W     P21W    7506     63217160789
Stop                                2  21W     P21W    7506     63217160789
Back-up                             2  21W     P21W    7506     63217160789
High Stop                           1  21W     P21W    7506     63217160789
High Stop - Cabrio                  1  18W             921      63251372632
Euro Rear Fog                       2  21W     P21W    7506     63217160789
License Plate                       2  5W      C5W     6418     63217160805 Festoon 37x11

Glove Box                           1  5W      C5W     6418     63217160805 Festoon 37x11
Dome                                2  10W     C10W    6411     63217160912 Festoon 41x11
Dome - Convertible                  1  5W      H5W     64111    63311374798 Light next to check panel
Trunk                               1  5W      C5W     6418     63217160805 Festoon 37x11
Ashtrays - Front and Rear           2  1.2W    W1.2W   2721     63217167000
Mirror Map Light                    2  10W     H10W    64113    63311375003
Mirror Map Light (Alternate)        2  5W      H5W     64111    63311374798 I've seen recommendations to reduce wattage to 5W

Instrument - Wedge Base            ?3  1.2W    W1.2W   2721     63217167000
Instrument - Plastic Base          ?13 1.2W            2721MF   62111368299
Instrument - Illumination           2  3W      W3W     2821     07119905358
Light Switch                        1  1.2W    W1.2W   2721     63217167000
Shifter - Automatic                 1  1.2W    W1.2W   2721     63217167000
Check Panel                         1+ 1.2W            2721MF   62111368299 1 + 1 for each large indicator (e.g. seatbelt)
Digital Clock                       1  1.2W            2721MF   62111368299
Digital Clock/Temp                  1  1.2W            2721MF   62111368299
OBC - Buttons                       1  1.2W            2721MF   62111368299
OBC - Backlight                     1                           65811375461 Light bar
HVAC Panel                          2  1.2W    W1.2W   2721     63217167000

If a bulb is not listed here and it's one of the tiny lamps, it's most likely
a 2721 or 2721MF. Some switches have replaceable bulbs that are not listed.

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